Articles & Outlines


Ps.3:3 But You, O Lord, are a shield for me, My glory [and my honour], and the One who lifts my head. There are different ways a person can be promoted, however, being promoted is not as important as the sustenance of it. There are lifters but there is only One authentic Lifter. When the world and its people lifts a person, it is only to satisfy their own desires, thus the fellow will be subservient to their demands and commands, and since the things of the world not of the Father, then worldly promotion belongs to Satan, if so, then is a trap to steal, to kill and destroy the life of such as he promotes. Ps.75:6-7 This I know: the favour that brings promotion and power doesn’t come from anywhere on earth, for no one exalts a person but God, the true judge of all. He alone determines where favour rests. He anoints one for greatness and brings another down to his knees. When God lifts up a fellow, not only will he be lifted, everyone around him will benefit from such lifting, for example, when Joseph was lifted and became the prime minister, his extended family was equally lifted, away from poverty, famine and hunger. It is therefore important to know where to seek promotion. Although, a fellow may know where real and enduring lifting can be accessed, the condition precedent is that one must be a member of the family of God and an abstainer from all manner of unrighteous ways and living, it is impossible for the Lord to lift a sinner neither can a sinner know the ways of the Lord. Jesus is the real lifter whose everlasting arms are underneath the righteous to lift them over and above the world. Is your name written in His book?

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Heb.4:13 There is nothing that can be hid from God; everything in all creation is exposed and lies open before his eyes. And it is to him that we must all give an account of ourselves. Today, most of the mobile device we use, be it phones, electronic wristwatches, tablets etc are all equipped with capability to pinpoint the exact location of the item and the one in whose possession it is, however, if the fellow switches off the GPS capability, it will be difficult if not impossible to locate, and therefore the fellow may be able to hide their whereabout. The above scripture however seems to say that every human being are Heavenly GPS enabled and cannot be switched off, thus they are not able to hide the location from God, also it says even the thoughts of their hearts are known to Him, and finally all human being will give account of their days on earth to HIM. Pro.20:27 The Lord’s light penetrates the human spirit, exposing every hidden motive. Nothing can be hidden where light is, as all things will be exposed, our God is Light. For as many who profess to love the Lord and yet are deeply into sinning, the Lord sees and knows them. He will recompense everyman according to their doing (Gal.6:7). Therefore, let us check ourselves to be sure that we are in the running for a good reward from God whenever the time comes. The thing to remember is that sin thrives in darkness and secrecy, yet even the darkest things are light noonday brightness before the Lord. Having this understanding, let everyone who sins and are unrighteous depart from their wicked ways, because all that things are open before God, as result, there is no hiding place from or before His face. When David killed Uriah and took his wife, he thought he had his act securely covered, until the Prophet Nathan accosted him, have you done an evil to someone and you think nobody can ever find out? God saw it and has a record of it. It could be the reason your life is not at the level it should be. Take time and go to the Lord in repentance, confess those things you did, ask for mercy and turn away from them. If restitution is require, do not delay in doing it. Thereafter, surrender your life to Jesus genuinely and start walking in His precepts and guidance, God does not want the death of a sinner but that the sinner will turn from his ways and embrace salvation. There is no hiding anything from the One to whom you will give account.

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Micah 7:8 “Rejoice not against me, O my enemy! When I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the Lord shall be a light to me.” The race of life is not determined by the fact that a fellow fell, but because they refuse to rise up. Little children, when learning to walk falls many time, each time they fall, they laugh and have a go again until they perfect the art. This is the mindset to possess if anyone wants to reach their full potential. Failure is not an end, it is life lesson teaching that the step taken was a wrong one. Recently, the 2024 CAF African footballer of the year said rather philosophically, ” Just over four years ago, I failed in front of the world. Fast forward four years, and I’m the best player in Africa. I want to say to the young children and people watching this: don’t let your failures weigh you down to the point they break your wings. Matter of fact, turn your pain into your power and continue to fight.” Do let your failure break or clip your wings, if anything, failure should be turned to an elixir that pump you up for the next big thing. It is important to know that failure is part of life process, the best inventors in the world did not get it the first time, they tried again, and again …… and again. Noone truly celebrates efforts, what people celebrate is result. When SpaceX started out, its first three launches were failures, then followed by two fairly low success rate, after that however, the success rate at present is 99.72%, do not any failure define you, because you have the capacity to turn it around. But for you to obtain the ability to rise up again from failure, you need help from someone who is able to support you in covering the ground lost, and present fresh opportunities. Pro. 24:16 “For the lovers of God may suffer adversity and stumble seven times, but they will continue to rise over and over again. But the unrighteous are brought down by just one calamity and will never be able to rise again.” Are you a lover of God, then you can be sure that as long as you are not lazy, even though you might have fallen short, He will carry you with Him hands and place you ahead of the pack. Concerning those that love the Lord the scripture says If they fall, they will not stay down, because the Lord will help them up (Ps.34:24). Failure is a mere blip in the journey of life and a testament to the fact that we are humans after all, we are neither all-knowing nor all powerful, there the lack of the ability to control our future is the reason for failure. But if we come to the Lord in all sincerity, although we may fall and fail, we have the assurance that we will never lose out. Rom.8:31(AMPC) “What then shall we say to [all] this? If God is for us, who [can be] against us? [Who can be our foe, if God is on our side?].

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News & Updates


The Lord’s ‘delay’ shows His loving patience, not lateness. He desires all to repent and be saved. Are you prepared for His return?

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Pastor's Corner


God opens doors wide when He decides to help. This means unhindered access to His presence, joy, and power. A wide-open door offers victory over Satan and sin, and the chance to witness Christ’s grace to others. Welcome to the “Month of Wide Open Doors.

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Pastor's Corner

Let God do it His way.

Trust in God wholeheartedly and surrender control to Him. Like Abraham and Jehoshaphat, unwavering faith in God’s promises leads to victory and success. Self-reliance and seeking help elsewhere bring hardship. Surrender fully to God’s will.

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Pastor's Corner

Other Seven Thousand

Yet I have left me seven thousand in Israel, all the knees which have not bowed unto Baal, and every mouth which hath not kissed him.

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