There is nothing that can be hid from God; everything in all creation is exposed and lies open before his eyes. And it is to him that we must all give an account of ourselves.
Today, most of the mobile device we use, be it phones, electronic wristwatches, tablets etc are all equipped with capability to pinpoint the exact location of the item and the one in whose
possession it is, however, if the fellow switches off the GPS capability, it will be difficult if not impossible to locate, and therefore the fellow may be able to hide their whereabout. The above
scripture however seems to say that every human being are Heavenly GPS enabled and cannot be switched off, thus they are not able to hide the location from God, also it says even the thoughts
of their hearts are known to Him, and finally all human being will give account of their days on earth to HIM.
The Lord’s light penetrates the human spirit, exposing every hidden motive.
Nothing can be hidden where light is, as all things will be exposed, our God is Light. For as many who profess to love the Lord and yet are deeply into sinning, the Lord sees and knows them. He
will recompense everyman according to their doing (Gal.6:7). Therefore, let us check ourselves to be sure that we are in the running for a good reward from God whenever the time comes.
The thing to remember is that sin thrives in darkness and secrecy, yet even the darkest things are light noonday brightness before the Lord. Having this understanding, let everyone who sins and are unrighteous depart from their wicked ways, because all that things are open before God, as result, there is no hiding place from or before His face. When David killed Uriah and took his wife, he thought he had his act securely covered, until the Prophet Nathan accosted him, have you done an evil to someone and you think nobody can ever find out? God saw it and has a record of it. It could be the reason your life is not at the level it should be. Take time and go to the Lord in repentance, confess those things you did, ask for mercy and turn away from them. If restitution is require, do not delay in doing it.
Thereafter, surrender your life to Jesus genuinely and start walking in His precepts and guidance, God does not want the death of a sinner but that the sinner will turn from his ways and embrace salvation.
There is no hiding anything from the One to whom you will give account.