Rom. 8:18-19

I am convinced that any suffering we endure is less than nothing compared to the magnitude of glory that is about to be unveiled within us. The entire universe is standing on tiptoe, yearning to see the unveiling of God’s glorious sons and daughters!
To achieve greatness in any field of human endeavour, serious effort, energy and time needs to be invested, take for example an undergraduate who desires to make first class, such a fellow, apart from working/studying hard also need to avoid or better still deny himself of everything and everyone that will distract him from the goal, that’s why 2Tim. 2:3-5, says the rule of greatness must be followed wholeheartedly and always, if one desires it. The pain and endless hours of study will be nothing when on graduation day that individual stands on the podium and is celebrated for achieving the set objective, however , if on the other hand, due to carelessness he missed the grade, the pain and sorrow will continue with him forever.

Beloved, have you surrendered your life to Jesus but still continue to entangle yourself with the affairs of this world, do you put your relationship with Him at the back burner of your life, is there anything or anyone still more important to you than Him? Are you carrying your cross and following after Him? In Matt. 10:36-38 He said to be worthy of Him, He must be your first love. Why? Because for you to become what He has in plan for you (Jer. 29:11), He must be your All in all.

Every child of God is designed to be an agent of transformation, no wonder He called them light of the world and salt of the earth! Transforming lives and destinies by shining bright and bringing those in darkness to His marvellous light, and in the same token as salt, bringing an end to every form of societal decadence by being examples of good works, charity and producing the fruit of the spirit.

It will be a tragedy for salt to lose its saltiness and for light it’s brightness just like a Christian losing his Jesus identity. When salt loses its savour it becomes not good for consumption but only be tossed in the garbage bin. Every Christian who loses their identity in Christ becomes unprofitable to His kingdom.

Are you aware that the whole creation are standing tiptoe earnestly waiting for you to shine your light and lead the way to Christ? Do you know that losing your saltiness will make some people unfortunate in life and will never fulfil their destinies ? Imagine, if David had not “manifested”, what would have been the fate of those 400 people that came to him who later became mightily men of valour? The failure of king Saul to “manifest” was the reason that almost his entire family was wiped off.

Brethren, please be reminded that regardless of whatever excuses you put forward, taking your hands off the plough and your focus from Christ will make you unworthy of Him. It is time to redouble your effort in walking with Him that you may shine His light for the whole world to see, darkness is only brought about because an object refuse to allow light pass through it.

The pain of this present time will be nothing when the glory shall come….. Preach the gospel always, tell the world of the love of Christ.

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