Eccl. 11:6
“In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thine hand: for thou knowest not
whether shall prosper, either this or that, or whether they both shall be alike good.”
Loading one’s cloud is akin to precipitation inducing operation called Cloud seeding. Cloud
seeding is a weather modification technique that improves the ability of cloud to produce rain.
This technique has and continues to work and regularly used by countries in the desert regions
or for irrigation purposes. A nation seeds its cloud if it needs rain to fall, in the same token, as
children of God we can deploy “cloud seeding” to get God to pour down His rain on us.
The above verse of the scripture is very apt and instructive, for the cloud to send down rain, it
must be continually loaded, the sun must keep taking waters from the earth and load the cloud
until it bursts and rains falls on the earth. As a child of God haw regularly do you load your
cloud? Do you even know or understand that it is your responsibility to do so? There are several
ways to load your cloud.
Ps. 5:3
“In the morning You hear my voice, O Lord; in the morning I prepare [a prayer, a sacrifice] for
You and watch and wait [for You to speak to my heart].”
You must invest time in the place of prayer (1kgs.17:1), when you pray without ceasing, then
you will be able to stand up and decree a thing loke Elijah, and it will come to pass.
Unfortunately, many Christians are lazy in the place of prayers, it is so bad that some cannot
wake up early to pray. Even when invited to the place of early morning prayers online, they
come up with many excuses, yet they do not have any other power to wrestle against the
principalities and powers of this world. Beloved, it is the funds you have saved in the day of
plenty that you will draw in the day of drought (Gen. 41:34-36). It is good to have somebody
(parents, pastor etc) praying for you, remember however, that these individuals have other
people to pray for as well, also, you are the one that wears the shoe, so you know where the
pain is.
It will be too late to start praying when you are in the midst of a crisis, it may not even be
possible, imagine the 3 Hebrew boys starting to pray when they have been thrown into the fiery
furnace, or Daniel starting to “bind and loose” in the lions’ den. When things are not well, pray,
when things are good pray more, never get to believe that when things are better for you than it
was, then it is time to relax in the place of prayer, if anything, it is time to intensify your prayers,
because the brighter the light, the thicker the darkness.
“So here’s what I’ve concluded. I will pray in the Spirit, but I will also pray with my mind
engaged. I will sing rapturous praises in the Spirit, but I will also sing with my mind engaged.”
The more you pray, the more you are empowered spiritually to do all things and receive regular
downpour of Divine blessings in all ramification.
Beloved, never get tired of praying or forsaking the assembling together of the Brethren, you do
not know when you will need to draw from your prayer bank.
25/01/2025 14:49
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