If The Fire Fall.

Duet. 4:24
”For the Lord your God is a consuming fire, a jealous God.“ Fire stands for and is used a lot of things. For example, fire stands for purity, in which case it is a known fact that whenever fire touches anything, it burns off any impurities therein, that is why it is impossible to be a carrier of the fire of God and be comfortable in the midst of sinner or sinners enjoy your company.

Fire is used for acceleration, the more the fire in Internal Combustion Engine (ICE), the faster the speed of the vehicle, the difference between the speed of the aeroplane and a car is the amount of fire that burns in their engines. As a Holy Ghost fire carrier, your zeal for the Kingdom of God will be remarkable for all to see, for instance, the moment the fire came on the Disciples, the speed of soul winning increased geometrically. Fire is noisy, when fire touches a fellow, it is impossible for them to be quiet, in the same vein, when the fire of God falls on a man, they will not but proclaim the name of Jesus Christ loudly Acts 2:36.

Anything fire touches changes in shape, size or colour , whenever fire come in contact with will have evidence of that encounter, be it animal or inanimate things. When the fire of God come upon a man, he changes completely, he makes a 180 degree turn around (1Tim. 1:15).

Are you a child of God, have you been baptised in the Holy Spirit, are you on fire for God? If not, remember that Pro.6:27 says ”Can a man take fire in his bosom and his clothes not be burned?“ meaning, the anointing of the Holy Ghost you have is not for fashion but for His purpose, arise therefore and allow the fire have expression through your life. If the fire falls on you, it is because God have need of your life.

Failure to utilise the fire is a call for the jealousy of the Lord against you….. He does not tolerate wasters.

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