Acts 15:18
Known unto God are all his works from the beginning of the world.
The God we serve is the All-knowing, there is nothing that happened or will happen that He
does not approve, for example for you to be born a human being to certain parents on a
determined date are all His works, therefore, for any discerning mind, it should be gratifying that
no one is an accident nor have been abandoned.
Regardless of the situation you may be going through at the moment, God is aware of it,
whether it be good or not, as a matter of fact He allowed it for His own glory. Where you are not
satisfied with your situation, it will now depend on you to go back to Him to change the situation.
In many instances however, the unpleasantness people experience is not of God’s making but
the choices they made, in Luke 15:11-24, the younger son had everything he needed, wealth,
health, protection, joy and peace , all in abundance, but one day he decided to leave all these
behind for the world – he exchanges his glory for worthless items (Ps.106:20). He soon realised
that it was a grave error after he lost everything, as he made up his mind to return to his father,
even as a slave, he was welcomed back home as a son!
Beloved, the life of many who are in pain and sorrow today are akin to this story, as long as you
are “outside of God’s authority” you are exposed to the vagaries of elements of the world, who
initially treated you with what you thought was love, very soon they will become your masters,
and they are terribly wicked masters.
“Here’s what Yahweh says to you: “I know all about the marvellous destiny I have in store for
you, a future planned out in detail. My intention is not to harm you but to surround you with
peace and prosperity and to give you a beautiful future, glistening with hope.”
God is aware of you and knows you, He has you written on the palm of His hand and has brilliant
plans for you, however, He will not force you against your will. To come into those great plans He
has prepared, everyone must come to Him at Him own terms and abide with His instructions
carefully (Deut.28:1-2). The first step into that glorious destiny is that Jesus must be the Lord of
your life on an ongoing basis and forever, just like the freezer must stay connected to electricity
to be powered to be useful.
John 15:5
I am the sprouting vine and you’re my branches. As you live in union with me as your source,
fruitfulness will stream from within you—but when you live separated from me you are

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