Luke 2:43-44
When the feast days were over, they went home. The boy Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem,
but his parents did not know it. Joseph and Mary travelled for a whole day. They thought that
Jesus was with them in the group. Then they began to look for him among their family and
Is Jesus still in the boat with you? Many people who claim to be children of God have today left
Jesus behind, indeed many do not even have Him around them at all, supposing that attending
church services, paying tithe and giving fat offering is what qualifies them as Christians. A few
believes that Jesus is only good to name and show off when in church or amongst the brethren,
but needs to be left out of their official or circular lives!
The parents of Jesus left the Saviour of the world behind, because they were engrossed with
other “important” matters much the same like Martha, who was encumbered with many
mundane things, today many Christians are doing the same, more concerned about church
activities than strengthening their relationship with Jesus. Others are not proud upfront to
show or speak about the One in Whom they live, move and have their being (Acts 17:28). “They
thought He was in the group”, the same way many church attendees assume that Jesus is in
their lives, have you checked that Jesus is in your life today?
Col. 3:17 (TPT)
“Let every activity of your lives and every word that comes from your lips be drenched with
the beauty of our Lord Jesus, the Anointed One. And bring your constant praise to God the
Father because of what Christ has done for you!”
As a Christian, Jesus must be our Banner, a frontlet on our foreheads, such that when
people see or relate with us, they should see Christ in us like those of Antioch saw Him in the
lives of the Brethren (Acts 11:26), being otherwise, is an indication that He has been left
behind, it is not until like Peter we deny Him openly.
Just in case you realise that you have left Him behind and away from the centre of your life,
you can turn your life around like John Mark, who initially left Jesus behind (Acts 15:38), but
later became profitable for ministry (2Tim.4:11). Leaving Jesus behind never ends well for
Let you daily declaration be Phil. 1:21(ICB)
“To me the only important thing about living is Christ. And even death would be profit for me.”