Micah 7:8
“Rejoice not against me, O my enemy! When I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the Lord
shall be a light to me.”
The race of life is not determined by the fact that a fellow fell, but because they refuse to rise up.
Little children, when learning to walk falls many time, each time they fall, they laugh and have a go
again until they perfect the art. This is the mindset to possess if anyone wants to reach their full
potential. Failure is not an end, it is life lesson teaching that the step taken was a wrong one.
Recently, the 2024 CAF African footballer of the year said rather philosophically, ” Just over four
years ago, I failed in front of the world. Fast forward four years, and I’m the best player in Africa. I
want to say to the young children and people watching this: don’t let your failures weigh you down
to the point they break your wings. Matter of fact, turn your pain into your power and continue to
Do let your failure break or clip your wings, if anything, failure should be turned to an elixir that
pump you up for the next big thing. It is important to know that failure is part of life process, the
best inventors in the world did not get it the first time, they tried again, and again …… and again.
Noone truly celebrates efforts, what people celebrate is result.
When SpaceX started out, its first three launches were failures, then followed by two fairly low
success rate, after that however, the success rate at present is 99.72%, do not any failure define
you, because you have the capacity to turn it around.
But for you to obtain the ability to rise up again from failure, you need help from someone who is
able to support you in covering the ground lost, and present fresh opportunities.

Pro. 24:16
“For the lovers of God may suffer adversity and stumble seven times, but they will continue to rise
over and over again. But the unrighteous are brought down by just one calamity and will never be
able to rise again.”
Are you a lover of God, then you can be sure that as long as you are not lazy, even though you might
have fallen short, He will carry you with Him hands and place you ahead of the pack. Concerning
those that love the Lord the scripture says If they fall, they will not stay down, because the Lord
will help them up (Ps.34:24).
Failure is a mere blip in the journey of life and a testament to the fact that we are humans after
all, we are neither all-knowing nor all powerful, there the lack of the ability to control our future is
the reason for failure. But if we come to the Lord in all sincerity, although we may fall and fail, we
have the assurance that we will never lose out.

“What then shall we say to [all] this? If God is for us, who [can be] against us? [Who can be our foe,
if God is on our side?].

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