“For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.”
That the wisdom in the word of God is unsearchable is an understatement, the scripture is packed
full of wisdom and paradoxes that when carefully studied and adhered to, it is impossible to fail
in any endeavour. Each one of us has been equipped the ability to will and to do of the good
pleasures of God, however, allowing this Divine empowerment manifest is totally in the realm of
the human mind.
Is. 1:19 says a fellow who willingly obeys and yields to the spirit shall have the best of everything
that nature and heaven has to offer, in other words, while everything needed for the peace,
progress and wellbeing of an individual has been settled in the spirit realm, the cooperation in
the physical realm is what will unlock these blessing.
According to Phil. 4:13, it is written I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me,
meaning the ability to do all things has been given because of the help from the Lamb of God.
Regardless of how insurmountable the situation may seem, I can overcome it, no matter the size
of the mountain, I am able to take the headstone thereof, because I have the strength of Christ in
1Cor.3:21b says “For all things are yours” , that is the Word of God, all capabilities to become
whoever and whatever I need to become has been infused in me even before the earth was made,
however, for that to happen, I must believe it and work at it. To the one that believes, there
shall be a performance of that which he believes.
You have been empowered to not commit and manner of sin, however, you have the choice to
make. You have been empowered to become another Elisha, but you have a choice to make. You
have been equipped to become another Paul, but the commitment, hard work and self-denials has
to be borne. Jesus at Gethsemane, was at such a point, the ability to will and to do being in Him
already, He still had the decision to make, can I avoid drinking from this cup or allowing the
Father’s will, He decided that the Father’s will be done, and today, all powers anywhere in
creation are subject to Him.
Beloved, you have been empowered to become that that you ever wanted to be, the only thing
stopping you is YOU! Have faith in God and allow His will come to pass in your life, that decision is
yours to take.
“Now the just shall live by faith: But if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in
You have that capacity already, only activate it in faith and you will suddenly realise that what
seemed impossible is actually nothing, go out now and start winning souls, spreading the good
news and winning. The Lord is with you.