
An individual that will go far in any sphere of endeavour must earnestly have faith in
whatever they lay their hands on, they must be ready to have the David kind o courage
to face the Goliath in his/her life.
A doubter according to Jam.1:8 is an unstable entity, double minded, a sceptic who
questions everything not with a view to learning rather from the prism of of
faithlessness. Everyone that broke the glass ceiling had one thing in common…..
Courage to conquer, they dared to be different and today they are celebrated. Talk
about the Wright Brothers ( Airplane), Thomas Edison ( light bulbs), Karl Benz (Cars)
all these men displayed absolute faith in their resolve to finding solutions to their present
day realities, and today we all enjoy their inventions.
It takes courage to stand out, to do thing differently, consider the story of Queen Esther
( Est.4:15-16), who held her life in her hands for the sake of God’s people, she believed
God for deliverance and there was a performance (Luke 1:45).
Doubting is synonymous with failure. It stalls a fellow’s movement to glory, it turns the
individual to a laughing stock and a reject by God. Because he is double minded, he
cannot receive anything from God. Peter could not go far walking on water because of
fear induced doubt, do not allow doubt to cut your testimony short.
To go far in life and achieve success in all you desire you need to kill and bury every
doubt. Doubt is powered by an evil spiritual force and you need to deal with it, failing
which fulfilling your destiny will be a mirage.
To conquer doubt you must start by dealing with your low self-esteem, long standing
fears, anxieties, criticisms and gaslighting rhetorics. They may have determined your
yesterday, they however have no space in your today nor future, you must banish them
to the abyss before you can move ahead.
Start living a life full of confidence believing Phil.4:13, let that be your attitude going
forward. You are destined for the very top, all you need is the right attitude and mindset
and holding on to Jesus the Author of all victories.
Beloved, you need to understand and live by the right attitudes. The right attitude is
what takes you to the top. Everyone, including you can get to the top. It’s just a matter
of mindset.
Stop doubting, it is Satan’s trick to stop your Divine elevation… don’t give him the joy.

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