Job 14:14
“If a man die, shall he live again? All the days of my appointed time will I wait, Till
my change come.”
Generally in life, the only constant scenario is change, and this happens throughout
the human lifecycle, from birth to death. Change though happens in several ways
and could be responded to in different ways as well, for example after the children
of Israel were delivered from slavery they were glad for the change, but when
change came in the food, they complained bitterly and were ungrateful to God. In
the case of Job however, notwithstanding his change from grace to grass, he
vehemently resolved to trust God even in the circumstances.
Is. 40:31
“But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up
with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not
The good new is that wherever you are at, whether your case is like that of
Naaman, wealthy and influential but unwell, or like Jabez who had a poverty
decreed upon his destiny or even like the Shunamite woman, wealthy, powerful yet
barren or even if you are tired of your current situation, there is a chance for your
change to be birthed even now. All you need is to wait on the Lord, i.e trust Him for
a change in your circumstances, He is the One that determines times and season.
Job was sure that he will not die a sick man because he knew that God is reliable
and will not leave His own to suffer corruption, and it turned out to be just as such, if
only you will want on the Lord, commit your ways and plans to Him, He shall surely
make the change happen for you. Those the ever waited on Him are never
ashamed nor disappointed, He will not start with you. It is time for your chats come,
arise and take it.

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